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Public Provident Fund (PPF) - Calculator, Partial Withdrawal


Public Provident Fund (PPF) Calculator

To calculate the interest on your Public Provident Fund (PPF) account, you can use the following formula:

Interest = (P × r)/100


P is the principal amount (the balance in your PPF account at the start of the year)

r is the annual interest rate for PPF (currently 7.1% for the year ending March 31, 2024).

For example, if your PPF account balance at the start of the year is Rs. 100,000, the interest for the year would be:

Interest = (100,000 × 7.1)/100

Interest = 7,100

So, the total balance in your PPF account at the end of the year would be Rs. 100,000 + Rs. 7,100 = Rs. 107,100.

Please note that the interest on PPF is compounded annually, so the interest calculation for subsequent years would be based on the new balance (including the interest credited in the previous years).

Partial Withdrawal from PPF:

1. Eligibility: You can make partial withdrawals from your PPF account from the 7th financial year of the year of opening the account.

2. Amount: The maximum amount you can withdraw is capped at the lower of 50% of the balance at the end of the 4th financial year preceding the year of withdrawal or 50% of the balance at the end of the preceding year, whichever is lower.

3. Frequency: Partial withdrawals are limited to one per financial year.

4. Procedure: Visit the post office or bank where your PPF account is held, fill out the withdrawal form, and submit it along with your passbook.

5. Purpose: Partial withdrawals are allowed for specific purposes such as higher education, medical treatment, or financial emergencies.

PPF Premature Closure:

1. Conditions: Premature closure of a PPF account is generally not allowed before the completion of 15 years from the end of the financial year in which the initial account was made.

2. Exceptions: Premature closure is permitted in cases of the account holder's death or in situations where the amount is required for the treatment of a life-threatening illness for the account holder, spouse, dependent children, or parents.

3. Process: To close the account prematurely, you will need to visit the post office or nationalized bank where your PPF account is maintained and submit the closure application along with the required documents.

4. Interest Calculation: If the account is closed prematurely, the interest rate applicable will be 1% lower than the rate applicable to the PPF account, from the date of account opening to the date of closure.

5. Documentation: You should provide the supporting documents, and the explanation for premature closure, such as a medical certificate in case of illness.

It's advisable to check with your bank or post office for detailed rules and guidelines about partial withdrawals and premature closure of PPF accounts, as they may vary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Public Provident Fund (PPF):

1. What is PPF?

PPF is a long-term savings scheme backed by the Indian government to provide a secure financial option for Indian residents.

2. Who can open a PPF account?

Any Indian resident can open a PPF account, including minors, but only one account per person is allowed, excluding accounts opened on behalf of minors.

3. What is the tenure of a PPF account?

The tenure of a PPF account is 15 years. However, it can be extended in blocks of 5 years after the initial 15-year period.

4. What is the minimum and maximum deposit allowed in a PPF account?

The minimum deposit required per year is Rs. 500, and the maximum deposit allowed per year is Rs. 1.5 lakh.

5. What is the interest rate on PPF?

The interest rate on PPF is set by the government and is currently 7.1% per annum (as of the quarter ending March 31, 2024). The interest is compounded annually.

6. Can I take a loan against my PPF account?

Yes, you can take loans against your PPF account from the 3rd financial year up to the 6th financial year of opening the account.

7. Can I make partial withdrawals from my PPF account?

Yes, you can make partial withdrawals from your PPF account after the 7th financial year from the year when the account is opening.

8. Can I extend my PPF account after 15 years?

Yes, you can extend your PPF account in blocks of 5 years after the initial 15-year period. 

9. Is the investment in PPF tax-free?

Yes, investments in PPF are eligible for tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Also, the interest earned and the maturity amount are tax-free.

10. Can NRIs open a PPF account?

No, NRIs are not eligible to open a new PPF account. However, if a resident recently becomes an NRI, the account will be active till maturity, but no further extensions are allowed.


Know details about Public Provident Fund (PPF)

How to Invest in Provident Fund (PPF)?

Benefits of Investing in Provident Fund (PPF)

